Web Design

BusyView will design your website.    

The following is an outline of each stage of the process BusyView will complete in the development of your website to ensure it meets your objectives.


1. Client Communications Strategy

We have a series of questionnaires designed to help you (and BusyView) pinpoint exactly:

– who it is we’re targeting
– what roles do they currently perform
– where they can be reached
– the media they consume
– the technology they use
– and more


2. Key Communications Messages


Once the questionnaires have been completed and analysed, BusyView will develop a communications plan which determines which key messages will be employed for each target audience.


3. Keyword Analysis and SEO Preparation

BusyView has particular expertise when it comes to optimising website code. We ensure everything we do, from the ground up, is search engine friendly. We understand how to identify search engine keywords and know how to utilize them to their maximum effect in the code we implement. It underpins every stage of our design and development process.

Your site will be built to the latest and highest standards of search engine optimisation. This means we use a combination of words and code which ensures your site’s total receptiveness and predisposition to being found and appearing successfully within search engines.

The starting point of this will be to perform targeted keyword analysis. Keywords are the search terms used by your target audiences within search engines when looking for the type of services you are offering. BusyView will analyse the key communications messages we have ascertained we need to focus on, and will build a list of keywords and search terms we believe will be used by your target audiences. This list will consist of competitive and not so competitive search terms. All future development on your website from hereon will use these search terms in the construction of your website features, sections, pages, navigation, links etc.


4. Website Methodology and Functionality

Before reaching the design stage, BusyView will take our work from the communications strategy and determine the following:

– the required website navigation
– the page types/templates required for each anticipated page of your website
– the features required on each of these pages


5. Content Management System

You will likely require a content management system freeing you up to manage and control your own website. We recommend WordPress.

You will be able to:

– edit your content
– upload and manage new content (text, images, video, calendars, password restricted areas etc)
– run and manage a blog
– have users sign up to a newsletter
– have a platform onto which we can seamlessly bolt other capabilities without costing a fortune

A content management system, otherwise referred to as a CMS, allows non-technical users to manage content on a website ie create web pages, add links to menus, create and edit titles, text and content, and manage media such as photographs, music and videos.


6. Templates, Plugins and Widgets – What Goes Where?

The may change when we come to begin your project, but we believe the following is a realistic summary of what you will be requiring:

– Editable Rollover, Drop Down Menus
– Image Slider
– Blog
– Image Manager
– Newsletter Sign-UP & Management SW
– Contact Us forms


7. Design

Next, the fun stage: BusyView draws or paints a number of static website designs.

Following detailed feedback from you, and those important to you, we hone these static designs until you are completely satisfied you have an exact image of how your website will look.


As you can see, concepts are not coded, and are therefore not yet operational websites.



8. The Development and Build

We may go quiet here.  This stage can take two or three weeks, as we start to build.  We drown ourselves in HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP and MySQL, building, moulding, creating and fighting it until it slowly begins to emulate what we promised you.


9. The Big Reveal

“The big reveal” is when we show you what we consider a completed project (a new website hosted on a password protected, temporary domain).


10. The Feedback Loop

There is always an inevitable amount of work to be completed after “the big reveal”.  If we have done our jobs properly, this  should be no longer than a week to ten days before you are able to upload and launch your new website.